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Purpose :
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived risk (namely financial risk, performance risk, physical risk, psychological risk, social risk, time risk and privacy risk) and trust factors and intention to purchase exercise fitness equipment online.
A sample group of 400 people who had experienced in purchasing exercise equipment online were selected to respond to online questionnaires. The data analysis method consisted of percentage, frequency, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. A statistical significance was set at p < .05.
The study found that performance risk had negative effect on the intention to purchase exercise equipment online. Whilst physical risk, psychological risk, time risk and privacy risk had no effect on the intention to purchase exercise equipment online. Lastly, the perceived social risk and trust had a positive effect on the intention to purchase exercise equipment online.
The perceived performance risk, social risk and trust factors are likely to affect the intention to purchase exercise equipment. The findings are beneficial to entrepreneurs and those who are interested in exercise equipment business. They are urged to apply these results to target the market more successfully.
Article Details
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