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Abstract Purpose: To investigate the effects of continuous and intermittent cold water immersion immediately after exercise on muscular performance recovery in varsity male tennis players. Methods: Fourteen male Tennis Players, aged between 18-22 years, recruited from Silpakorn University, participated in this study. In a randomized counter balance design, participants underwent 3 different recovery protocols; a passive rest 12 min, a 12-min continuous cold water immersion (15±1oC) and a 4 x 3-min intermittent cold water immersion (15±1oC) interspersed with 1 min rest, which were separated by 1 week apart. Dependent variables were vertical jump and spider agility test. Data were analyzed using One- way ANOVA with repeated measure followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test. A significance level of 0. 05 was considered the statistical significance. Results: The mean values of maximum vertical jump and agility test immediately after intermittent cold water immersion was significantly higher than those of continuous cold water immersion and passive rest conditions (p < .05). Conclusion: The present findings demonstared that an intermittent cold water immersion treatment appears to be more effective in enhancing muscular performance recovery in male tennisplayer compared with a continuous cold water immersion and passive rest following fatiguing exercise.
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