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Nutthaporn Awilai
Benjapol Benjapalakorn
Chadaphan Suwannate


Purpose: This research was aimed to study the effects of complementary Pilates training in enhancing dual-task performance in male university futsal players.

Methods: Samples were twenty six university male futsal players, aged 18 to 25 years, randomly sampled equally into two groups, namely, Control Group (CG, n = 13) which was subject to normal futsal training program, and Pilates Group (PG, n = 13) which was subject to complementary one-hour Pilates training session twice a week in addition to normal futsal training for six weeks. Basic physiological parameters and dual-task performance of both groups were statistically compared before and after training using Paired-Samples T Test and Independent-Samples T Test at 0.05 level of significance.

Results: It was found that CG exhibited significantly higher bio sway index with lesser beanbag throwing accuracy than PG during performing motor-motor dual-task by throwing bean bags while single leg standing on an unstable platform of bio sway equipment. And that during performing cognitive-motor dual-task by counting backwards by seven (Serial sevens) while single leg standing on an unstable platform, CG exhibited significantly lesser correctness than PG after six-week training at 0.05 level of significance.

Conclusion: This study suggested that complementary Pilates training could enhance dynamic balance capability, beanbag throwing accuracy, and counting backwards by seven correctness under dual-task conditions as evidences in PG compared to those of CG. Therefore complementary Pilates training is an alternative technique to develop dual-task performance in university male futsal players, as well as extensible to other athletes.

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How to Cite
Awilai , N. ., Benjapalakorn, B. ., & Suwannate, C. . (2023). EFFECTS OF PILATES TRAINING ON DUAL TASK PERFORMANCE OF UNIVERSITY MALE FUTSAL PLAYERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 23(2), 41–53. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spsc_journal/article/view/261934
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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