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Suvit Lertthanakulvat
Gulapish Pookaiyaudom


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the levels of satisfaction that Thai spectators feel towards the various components of Muay Thai competition management which were operations of competition management, management of facilities conductive to competition and professionalism of staff in operating competition. For the spectators, the study focused on and compared specific demographic categories including gender, age, status, education level, career, and income.

Methods: The method of quantitative research used was a survey. The total amount of survey samples consisted 440 Thai spectators who could all read and write Thai. Questionnaires were used as the main method of collecting data with an IOC of 0.88 and a coefficient alpha equal to 0.95. The study also applied statistical data analyses using the determination of patterns, such as the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research also undertook One-Way ANOVA. When the research revealed the difference of statistical significance to be at 0.05, LSD technique was adopted to test the pair differences.

Results: The study found that most of the Thai spectators responding to the survey shared the following characteristics: they were males between the ages of 30 and 39 years old, had a minimum of high-school level of education, married, with an average monthly income between 10,000 and 20,000 Baht. The hypotheses testing revealed that the overall satisfaction of Thai spectators towards the components of Muay Thai competition management reached a high level of agreement (mean=4.01). In addition, the high satisfaction of Thai spectators towards the components of Muay Thai competition management was due to the following reasons: professionalism of staff in operating competition (mean=4.10), operations of competition management (mean=4.09), and management of facilities conducive to competition (mean=3.84). The characteristic that did not show any significant difference was age, but education level demonstrated a statistical difference of 0.05.

Conclusion: The satisfaction of Thai spectators towards the components of Muay Thai competition management had a noticeable high level of agreement. Moreover, the demographic categories of age, status, and education level demonstrated a difference in the components of Muay Thai competition management.

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How to Cite
Lertthanakulvat , . S., & Pookaiyaudom, G. . (2023). THE SATISFACTION OF THAI SPECTATORS TOWARDS THE COMPONENTS OF MUAY THAI COMPETITION MANAGEMENT. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 23(2), 108–122. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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