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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to effect on contract relax-antagonist contract and active release technique of hamstring muscle tightness in low physical activity.
Methods: Subjects were selected simple random sampling 54 subjects with hamstring tightness and low physical activity 18-25 years old in Nakhonprathom province divided into 2groups by contract relax-antagonist contract technique group was 27 subjects and active release technique group was 27 subjects. Range of motion of active knee extension, range of motion of passive knee extension and sit and reach flexibility test was research instrument. This study was measured pre and post immediately experiments and long-term experiments 3 days a week for 3 weeks. After that, Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon sign rank test for compare pre-test and post-test within group and Mann Whitney U test for differences between groups.
Results: The result of this study showed that Baseline such as age, weight, height, and body mass index found non-significant. Comparison of contract relax-antagonist contract technique group and active release technique group found significant compare within group (p<0.001) in range of motion of active knee extension, range of motion of passive knee extension and sit and reach flexibility test. And There were non-significant differences in range of motion of active knee extension, range of motion of passive knee extension and sit and reach flexibility test between group.
Conclusion: Contract relax-antagonist contract technique group and active release technique group can improve hamstring muscle length, hamstring muscle flexibility and range of motion of active knee extension immediately and after 3 weeks of stretching.
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