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Purpose: To examine differences of isokinetic knee strength (Peak torque/body weight and hamstrings to quadriceps ratio) in the recreational runners at cut-point 40 years old of age
Methods: One hundred and fifty runners were joined in the running study. Finally, data of 82 recreational runners (mean age 39.85 years; SD±9.23) were included and divided into 2 groups (age <40 and age >40 years old group). Peak torque of knee flexor and knee extensor, and hamstrings to quadriceps ratio (H:Q ratio) of the dominant leg were measured using the isokinetic dynamometer at angular velocities of 60, 120, and 180 °/sec. Unpaired t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for statistical analysis.
Results: The runner group with age below 41 years old demonstrated a higher peak torque of knee extensor than another group in case of 60 °/sec (p=0.038) and 120 °/sec (p=0.042) angular velocities.
Conclusion: The significant decrease of peak extensor torque was noted in runners with >40 years old in 60 and 120 °/sec. This study supports the cut-point of 40 years old in runners which was suggested from the previous study. Runners with >40 years old may expose to musculoskeletal injury because of muscle strength declination.
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