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Suthasinee Thongsiri
Chaipat Lawsirirat


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in biomechanical variables during 200-M front crawl on a lower limb in male Thai national swimmer.

Methods: Seven male Thai national front crawl swimmers who participated in the 29th SEA GAMES in Malaysia, 2017 volunteered for this study. Changes in biomechanical variables of 200-M front crawl on a lower limb were recorded in the swimming flume. Where the participants were asked to swim at 75% of the maximum 200-M front crawl speed in the swimming pool. The analysis were divided into 4 laps, which were 20-40 m, 70-90 m, 120-140 m, and 170-190 m. The differences in mean values of joint angles and joint velocities were compared using one-way repeated measure ANOVA at the significant level of .05.

Results: Overall, the biomechanical variables of a lower limb, including attacking body angle, the angles of ankle joint, knee joint, and hip joint, and the velocities of ankle joint, knee joint, and hip joint were statistically different across 4 phases during a 200-M front crawl swim (all, P<.05). As the swimming distance increased, the attacking body angle decreased white the angles of ankle joint, knee joint, and hip jointed increased.

Conclusion: These findings indicated that biomechanical variables of lower limb change  as a function of swimming distance during a 200-M front crawl.

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How to Cite
Thongsiri, S. ., & Lawsirirat, C. . (2023). CHANGES IN BIOMECHANICAL VARIABLES DURING 200-M FRONT CRAWL ON LOWER LIMB IN THAI NATIONAL SWIMMERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 24(1), 78–88. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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