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Purpose: The purposes of this research were to study the marketing mix factors of Siam Amazing Park, the satisfaction of Siam Amazing Park tourists, and the factors of marketing mix that affect the satisfaction of Siam Amazing Park tourists.
Methods: This research was survey research. The sample in this study consisted of 440 tourists of Siam Amazing Park. The questionnaires were created by the researcher as the method to collect data with a content validity of 0.85 and Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of 0.911. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentages, means, standard deviation and determined the marketing mix factors affecting of Siam Amazing Park tourists' satisfaction by using multiple regression at the significant level of 0.05
Results: The marketing mix factors of Siam Amazing Park has an average overall in a very good level (Mean=4.21, SD=0.46). The Siam Amazing Park tourists’ satisfaction has an average overall in a good level (Mean=4.18, SD=0.51). The regression coefficients in the standard form (Beta) found that the predictors with the highest Beta values were Process (Beta=0.170), followed by Price (Beta=0.156), Physical evidence (Beta=0.147). Products (Beta=0.136), People (Beta=0.125), Promotion (Beta=0.113), Place (Beta=0.109), respectively. And all of marketing mix factors were able to predict the tourists’ satisfaction by 58.00 percent.
Conclusion: All of marketing mix factors were able to predict the tourists’ satisfaction at Siam Amazing Park by 58.00 percent. The process was the most affecting factor to the Siam Amazing Park tourists' satisfaction.
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