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Nutjarin Warasit
Kanang Srihirun


This study aimed to investigate the effect of sport-specific unilateral complex training on spike performance in youth male Sepak-takraw players.

Twenty-four youth male Sepak-trakraw spikers from school, aged between 16-18 years, were recruited in this study. The participants were assigned into 2 groups (n = 12/group). In group I, the participants underwent to a sport-specific unilateral complex training program, consisted a resistant training program by single-leg barbell back squat at a load of 85% one-repetition maximum (1RM) for each leg for 6 repetitions interspersed by 30 seconds of recovery and continued with body weight training by blocking jump for 6 repetitions while group II, the participants underwent a sport-specific bilateral complex training program, consisted of a resistant training program by barbell back squat at a load of 85% 1RM for 6 repetitions interspersed by 30 seconds of recovery and continued with body weight training by blocking jump for 6 repetitions. Both groups performed 4 sets of training a day, twice a week for a total of 6 weeks. Before and after 6-week of training, muscular strength, muscular power, high jump kick and balance were measured. Data was presented as mean and starndard deviation and analyzed using dependent and independent-sample t-test to determine the statically significance level at p-value < .05.

After six weeks of training, muscular strength, muscular power and high jump kick were significantly increased (p<.05) in both groups. And the balance was significantly increased only (p<.05) in group I. Moreover, muscular strength, muscular power, high jump kick and balance were no significantly (p<.05) between group I and group II at post-exercise.

Sport-specific unilateral complex training program and sport-specific bilateral complex training program for 6 weeks can improve muscular strength, muscular power and high jump kick. In addition, sport-specific unilateral complex training program can improve balance performance. This training program has a potential of improving spike performance in Sepak-trakraw player.

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How to Cite
Warasit, N., & Srihirun, K. (2024). EFFECTS OF SPORT-SPECIFIC UNILATERAL COMPLEX TRAINING ON SPIKE PERFORMANCE IN YOUTH MALE SEPAK TAKRAW PLAYERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 25(2), 50–67. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spsc_journal/article/view/267466
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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