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Teera Aree
Thanomwong Kritpet
Raweewan Maphong


The objective of this research was to examine and compare acute effects of Tuina in different duration associate with muscle pain and neck movement of office workers with office syndrome.

The target group consisted of 64 participants who were both male and female office workers aged between 25-45 years, and revealed upper trapezius muscle pain with office syndrome. The participants were classified into two groups with 32 people in each group. They were cured using Tuina massage with two conditions. The first condition was Tuina therapy for ten minutes and the second stipulation was treated by Tuina for twenty minutes which those two conditions were chosen by random. This investigation was crossover design including discontinuation during the conditions for 7 days. The self-reported muscle pain perception was assessed using numerical rating scale (NRS) included pressure pain threshold (PPT) on both left and right side of upper trapezius muscle, cervical range of motion (CROM) including cervical flexion, extension, left rotation, right rotation, left lateral flexion and right lateral flexion. The data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation whereas the results of pre, post and during using the condition were compared using paired sample t-test using the statistically significant 0.05 level.

The results revealed that the acute effects of Tuina in different duration associate with muscle pain and neck movement of office workers with office syndrome when compare with two different conditions between pre and post experiment found that the NRS was significantly decreased whereas the PPT and CROM increased significantly. The results also found that Tuina massage for 20 minutes indicated that the NRS was more dramatically reduced compared with massage 10 minutes statistically significant while the mean score of CROM and PPT were not significantly different.

Tuina massage for 10 minutes enabled the reduced upper trapezius muscle pain adequately which result in relaxation and flexibility of muscle including ability of neck movement increasingly. However, using longer duration of massage as 20 minutes affected more effective of upper trapezius muscle pain reduction. Therefore, Tuina massage enabled relieved muscle pain with office syndrome.

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How to Cite
Aree, T., Kritpet, T., & Maphong, R. (2024). THE ACUTE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT TUINA TIME MASSAGE ON WORK-RELATED MUSCLE PAIN FROM OFFICE SYNDROME IN OFFICE WORKERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 25(2), 118–133. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Original Article)


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