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Kwanthai Sittipan
Kanang Srihirun


This study aimed to study and compare the effects of resistance training, repeated sprint training, and complex resistance training combined with short repeated sprint training on muscle performance and sprint ability of futsal athletes.

Thirty-six male futsal players aged between 18-25 years were recruited in this study. The participants were assigned into 3 groups (n = 12/group) including group I; resistance training program, group II; repeated sprint training program, and group III; complex training with repeated sprint program. All groups were trained 2 days/week for a total of 6 weeks. The measurements of muscular strength and power, speed, agility and ability to repeated sprints were assessed before, after 4 and 6 weeks of training. The obtained data were statistically analyzed in term of means and standard deviations and verified by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures. A significance level of .05 was considered the statistical significance.

All of 3 groups after 4 weeks of training, the mean values of repeated sprinting ability were significantly higher than pre-training at the .05 level. While muscular power in group II with repeated sprint training program were higher than pre-training (p<.05). After 6 weeks of training, resistance training program (group I) had the mean values of muscular strength and power and ability to repeated sprints were significantly higher than pre-training. The repeated sprint training program (group II) had muscular power and agility were significantly higher than pre-training. Moreover, the group of complex training with repeated sprint program (group III) had higher muscular strength and power, agility and ability to repeated sprints than pre-training (p<.05). It was also found that after 6 weeks, the strength and power of the leg muscles of the resistance training group (group I) and the repeated sprint training program (group II) were significantly different at the .05 level.

Complex training with resistance training combined with repeated sprint training can improve strength and power of the leg muscles, agility, and repeated sprint ability in futsal athletes over a period of 6 weeks as well as resistance training and repeated sprint training.

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How to Cite
Sittipan , K., & Srihirun, K. (2024). EFFECTS OF COMPLEX TRAINING WITH RESISTANCE TRIANING COMBINED WITH REPEATED SPRINT ON MUSCULAR PERFORMANCE AND SPRINT ABILITY IN FUTSAL PLAYERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 25(3), 22–43. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spsc_journal/article/view/269587
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