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Wiparhat Kunakornkongkiat
Suttikorn Apanukul


This study aimed to investigate the effects of power yoga training on physical fitness in female college volleyball players.

This study aimed to investigate the effects of power yoga training on physical fitness in female college volleyball players. Twenty female college volleyball players, aged between 18-25 years, participated in this study. All subjects, matched 1RM relative 110 degrees back squat, were randomly assigned into two groups. The control group (n=10) performed stretching training and the experimental group (n=10) performed power yoga training. Both groups engaged in supervised training program twice a week for 8 weeks relative strength, power, flexibility of hip, knee, and ankle and balance were measured before, after the 4 weeks and after the 8 weeks of training. Data were expressed as mean± standard deviation and were analyzed using independent sample t-test and one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni post-hoc tests applied for pairwise comparison Significance level at p-value <0.05.

The results showed that no significant differences in relative strength, peak power, peak velocity, peak force, ankle flexibility, hip flexibility, knee flexibility, sway index and stability index were found between and within groups before and after 4 weeks of training (p>0.05). After 8 weeks of training, the control group showed that significant improvements in hip flexibility and the experimental group showed that significant improvements in relative strength, peak power, peak force, ankle flexibility, knee flexibility, hip flexibility and stability index compared to before training (p<0.05). The peak power, peak force, stability index of the experimental group was significantly better than that the control group after 8 weeks of training (p<0.05).

Our results demonstrated that the power yoga training is an effective training for enhancing muscular power, balance, and flexibility. Therefore, coaches and athletes are encouraged to incorporate the power yoga training to enhance power, balance and flexibility of female college volleyball players.

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How to Cite
Kunakornkongkiat, W. ., & Apanukul, S. (2024). THE EFFECTS OF POWER YOGA TRAINING ON PHYSICAL FITNESS IN FEMALE COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS. Journal of Sports Science and Health, 25(3), 102–120. retrieved from
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