Silver nitrate cauterization for aphthous stomatitis
To identify the efficacy of silver nitrate cauterization in shortening healing time of aphthous stomatitis.
Three independent reviewers systematically searched through electronic databases including the Cochrane Library, PubMed, Trip Database and Scopus. We also performed hand searching to find all relevant studies outside the databases. We assessed quality and risk of bias of the included studies using The Cochrane Collaboration’s Tool for Assessing Risk of Bias. We extracted data from the included studies. The meta-analysis was performed where appropriate.
There were two randomized controlled trials identified, involving 150 patients with aphthous stomatitis. Rate of complete re-epithelialization on the seventh day after the procedure was interpreted that using silver nitrate cauterization was no statistically significant difference from using placebo stick. (relative risk, 1.24; 95% confidence interval, 0.55 to 2.80; P=0.60; I2=87%)
Rate of complete re-epithelialization of aphthous stomatitis was not different between using silver nitrate cauterization and placebo on the seventh day after the procedure.
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