Quality of Life of the Older Persons in the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation under the Coverage Area of Ban Nonsomboon Health Promotion Hospital, Huai Sam Phat Subdistrict, Prachaksinlapakhom District, Udon Thani Province.


  • sarunyoot kruangpradub Prachak Sinlapakhom District Health Office,Udonthani
  • Nisachon Bubpa Nursing Faculty,Khonkaen University


Quality of Life, The Older Persons, COVID-19


This cross-sectional descriptive research has the objectives were to study the quality of life of the older persons classified by sex, age, comorbidities, marital status, education level, income, and residence status and membership in social groups. The 160 samples were random selection to the study. The data were collected by questionnaires then analyzed by descriptive statistics, Determination of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The analysis of differences by variables with inferential statistics using t-test, One-way ANOVA
The results showed that the behavior, cooperation and support of the older persons. The overall score at a high level ("x" ̅ =2.42, S.D.=.277). The average score of was the highest level of access to the right to receive the vaccine
against COVID-19 at a high level ("x" ̅=2.82, S.D.=.447). Wearing a face mask or cloth mask before leaving the house
every time at a high level ("x" ̅=2.72, S.D.=.431). Receiving information about the COVID-19 vaccine at a high level ("x" ̅=2.64,S.D.=.597). Receiving information about the situation of the spread of COVID-19 at a high level ("x" ̅=2.64, S.D.=.586). The age, comorbidities, education, income and the membership in different social groups. There was a statistically significant difference in quality of life at the .05 level
As the recommendations; Local administrative Organizations, government agencies, public health hospitals and social groups in the community should have continuously economic promotion, career promotion model, monetization, promote welfare in the older persons group and care for the older persons.


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How to Cite

kruangpradub, sarunyoot and Bubpa, N. . (2023) “ Udon Thani Province”., Nursing, Health, and Education Journal , 6(2), pp. 1–14. Available at: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NHEJ/article/view/261600 (Accessed: 1 November 2024).