Model Development of Community-based Rehabilitation The Leprosy Effect After try to Change Leper Colony to be Normal Community: Case Study of Prasat Leper Colony, Prasat District, Surin Province


  • นิยม ไกรปุย The Of f ice of Disease Prevention and Control 9, Nakhon Ratchasima
  • โกเมศ อุนรัตน์ Rajtprachasamasai Institute


rehabilitation the leprosy, after try to change leper colony to be normal community, community based


Participatory action research was designed to the study, and the researchers used mixed method
for studying. The purpose of this study is to examine based community model of leprosarium, participant
management was applied as conceptualism for changing leprosarium to normal community. The results
found that in history the land of Prasat leprosarium was invaded. Moreover, the study showed hidden
problems among leprosy patients, for example, they were stigma by other people in community.
The leprosy patients were limited to social participation approximately 41.7 percent, so they needed rehabilitation.
According to the study, it is indicated that the model for changing leprosarium to normal community
including; 1) Rajprachasamasai volunteers for rehabilitated activities for leprosy cases were required
to set up. 2) The volunteers including the leaders of communities, children of disability leprosy patients,

and other disability cases were recommended to integrate the activities. They should cooperate
to analyze the problems together, and rehabilitated physical, psychological and social. In addition,
they should participate to plan the rehabilitation strategies. They should raise fund for development their
careers. Involvement the culture reducing the disgust that other people felt was required, and health
promotion in disability leprosy cases and other disability cases should be done in communities.


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How to Cite

ไกรปุย น., & อุนรัตน์ โ. (2019). Model Development of Community-based Rehabilitation The Leprosy Effect After try to Change Leper Colony to be Normal Community: Case Study of Prasat Leper Colony, Prasat District, Surin Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 25(1), 55–63. Retrieved from