Susceptibility to Temephos, Alphacypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Lamda-cyhalothrin and Cypermethrin to Aedes aegypti in Buriram Province
Susceptibility, Aedes aegypti, InsecticidesAbstract
The objective of study to investigate the susceptibility to Temephos, Alphacypermethr
in Deltamethrin, Lambda-cyhalothrin and Cypermethrin of Aedesa egypti from Buriram Province,
Collected from four sub-districts including NaiMueang, SawaiChik, LahanSai and KokWan.
The F1 progenies of Ae.aegypti colony, were used in the susceptibility test apply procedures of
World Health Organization. For larval bioassay, the late third or early four instar were test to
0.012 mg/L of Temephos solution as recommended by the World Health Organization as a standard
method. For adult bioassay, the female were exposed to Alphacypermethrin 0.08%, Deltamethrin
0.05%, Lambda-cyhalothrin 0.03%, and Cypermethrin 0.22% standard insecticide papers.
The percent mortality rate count was made 24 hrs after exposed and data interpretation of result
determined susceptibility or resistance, World Health Organization. The result indicated mortality
rate of Temephosfor the larvae from NaiMueang, SawaiChik, KokWan and LahanSai sub-districts
was 98%, 95%, 76% and69%, respectively. For adult bioassay, The mortality rate of Alphacy
permethrin 0.08%, Deltamethrin 0.05%, Lambda-cyhalothrin 0.03%, and Cypermethrin 0.22%
ranging from 19% to 77%. Conclusion, The data indicated Ae. Aegypti all incipient of resistance
to temephos. However, the susceptibility were found in NaiMueang sub-districts. All adult
population of Ae. aegypti were found resistance to Alphacypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Lambda-cyhalothrin
and Cypermethrin. These results suggest that routine and comprehensive susceptibility monitoring
of dengue mosquito vectors to insecticide and should be a required component of resistance management
policies and disease control activities.
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