A Systematic Management Model for Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors Preventing of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • ฐาวรีย์ ขันสำโรง Faculty of Public Health, Western University


A systematic management model, Inappropriate sexual behaviors, Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder


This qualitative research was to develop systematic management model for inappropriate sexual
behavior preventing of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Data were collected from 24 family
members or relatives of autistic persons and related documents. Semi-structured interview was used
for focus group and in-depth interview. The important points were as follows: knowing that the
persons with autism had changed to adolescence with physical, mental, emotional and social change
as a common teenager and they also had shown challenging and improper behaviors because
of their sexual hormonal change and lacking of knowledge about it such as masturbating, being
naked in the public etc, their parents and guardians were stressed and worried about how to take care
of them in school and work. However, the teenagers with autism need to develop themselves properly
as a base to live a life. Helping them to behave themselves properly and change improper manners
is the role of their parents and guardians. The model of systematic management for inappropriate

sexual behavior preventing of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder is very useful for the parents
and guardians of the persons with autism. It can be applied to use in their real life. With their
development and a positive attitude of the people in the society, the teenagers with autism can live
normally without a burden to their family, society and nation


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How to Cite

ขันสำโรง ฐ. (2018). A Systematic Management Model for Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors Preventing of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 24(2), 67–79. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/188339



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