Development of Surveillance and Response Systems for Foodborne Illness in School : Desirable Systems


  • เฉลิมพร เทพหัสดิน ณ อยุธยา Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University
  • สมคิด ปราบภัย Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


surveillance, public health emergency, food borne


The objective of this research is to create the system of desirable surveillance and public health
emergency response in disease from food as a media in school with cooperative participants, in which the
corresponding in the program include school administrators, sanitary teachers, students, public health staffs,
and specialists in disease control. The research methodology undergoes through Participatory Action Research
using data collection from focus group discussion and assessment using qualify questionnaire. Then, analysis
the data in term of qualitative and descriptive achieve including mean and standard deviation. The result
shown that the system of desirable surveillance and public health emergency response in disease from food
as a media in school with cooperative participants compose of 5 main elements; 1) Management and follow up
the operation by appointment of the system of surveillance and public health emergency response in disease
from food as a media in school with cooperative participants committee. 2) Core working group members consist
of sanitary teachers and students were appointing for surveillance and public health emergency response
in disease from food. 3) Information system in gathering, analyzing, and reporting surveillance and public
health emergency response in disease from food. 4) Risk Communication 5) Disease control of risk factors,
proceeding and risk management to composition of desirable system shown high quality assessment.


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How to Cite

เทพหัสดิน ณ อยุธยา เ., & ปราบภัย ส. (2018). Development of Surveillance and Response Systems for Foodborne Illness in School : Desirable Systems. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 24(1), 5–14. retrieved from