Model Development for Community-based Prevention and Control of Opisthorchiasis in A Community of Lahan sub-district, Chatturat, Chaiyaphum


  • ธีรศักดิ์ พรหมพันใจ Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9, Nakhon Ratchsima


participatory action research, model development, opisthorchiasis


This research was a participatory action research by using mixed method. The objective
was to develop the model for opisthorchiasis prevention and control that appropriate for the community.
The concept of health determinants; individual, environment, and health service system, was applied
to determine the context and the problem of opisthorchiasis. The results showed that opisthorchiasis
problem in the community connected with the factors of individual’s risk behavior-eating raw fif ish,
environment-fresh fif ish accessibility, eating culture, and non-responded action of health service system.
Community relationship was as a capital using to be mechanism handling the problem by empowering
the volunteers to have abilities of management, communication, monitoring and evaluation for risk
group’s behavior change and improved the routine work of the health service system.


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How to Cite

พรหมพันใจ ธ. (2018). Model Development for Community-based Prevention and Control of Opisthorchiasis in A Community of Lahan sub-district, Chatturat, Chaiyaphum. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 24(1), 43–53. Retrieved from