Effectiveness of the Model to Develop Market without Foam Tray For Food Container at the Market in Bangkok
The Model to Develop, Foam tray, MarketAbstract
This research aimed to study the effectiveness of the model of development for market which
without foam tray for food container. The research was conducted using the action research under
the concept of health beliefs model and appreciation inflf luence control (AIC)The participants were 122
of food traders at the market in Bangkok. Intervention was the model of develop market without
foam tray for food container under the concept of health beliefs model. Data was collected using
the perception of health beliefs model about foam containers of food trader and consumer questionnaire.
Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. After implement the program,
this model had effectiveness increasing the perception of health beliefs model about foam containers
of food trader and consumer, 56.0% of food trader were decreased behavior using foam containers,
and using of bagasse instead of foam were increased approximately 15 folds.
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