The Development of an Elderly Health Care Model by the Family Care Team at Nonmueang Sub-district, Khamsakaesang District, Nakhonratchasima Province.


  • พนิดา เที่ยงสันเทียะ Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • สันติสิทธิ์ เขียวเขิน Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • บัณฑิต วรรณประพันธ์ The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima


Community participation, Health care of the elderly, Family Care Team


This study applied a participatory action research aimed to develop an elderly health care model
by the Family Care Team : FCT at Nonmueang Subdistrict, Khamsakaesang District, Nakhonratchasima
Province. The Strategic Linkage Model (SLM) was applied in a stake-holder group as 30 people and
a target group of 35 elderly people. Data was collected from questionnaires and interviews technique.
The quantitative data was analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation. The content analysis
was used for the qualitative data. The results showed that the development process consisted of
six elements: 1) Community context analysis 2) Participatory meeting 3) Planning 4) Implementation
5) Supervision 6) The evaluation and conclusion. Regarding to this process all of them were undertook
in problems and situation of the community. The opportunity for young people to participate in caring
for the elderly. There are 8 projects to improve the quality of life in the community. In summary, the
pattern of care for the elderly in the appropriate area is the opportunity for the network partners
at all levels to play a responsible role and cooperate. There is a mechanism to instill awareness among
the youth and take part in activities from the beginning. To achieve sustainable and continuous development.


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How to Cite

เที่ยงสันเทียะ พ., เขียวเขิน ส., & วรรณประพันธ์ บ. (2018). The Development of an Elderly Health Care Model by the Family Care Team at Nonmueang Sub-district, Khamsakaesang District, Nakhonratchasima Province. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 24(1), 65–75. retrieved from