The Effectiveness of Cervical Cancer Screening Program Using Health Belief Model and Social Support among Females aged 35 - 60 year in Dankhuntod District, NakhonRatchasima Province


  • ปรัชญาพร รุจาคม Ban Prang Tambol Health Promoting Hospital
  • จารุวรรณ ไตรทิพย์สมบัติ Faculty of Public Health, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University


Cervical Cancer Screening Program, Health Belief Model, Social Support


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of cervical cancer screening
program among the risk group in sub district Ban Prang, Dankhuntod district, NakhonRatchasima
by using the health belief model and social support for the reception of cervical cancer screening.
The samples were 78 divided into 2 groups for the experimental and control group. Each group was 39.
Volunteers for cervical cancer screening program will receive all the programs 17 times. The program
comprised narration, video presentation, cervical cancer samples, prototypes, brochures, home visiting
and giving advice. The control group received the ordinary activities of health promotion hospital,
Tambol NhongSai. The study was taken during 10 weeks. The data were collected by using
questionnaires which reliability is 0.77. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic include
frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The mean different comparing within the groups
were analyzed by Paired t-test. The mean different comparing between the groups was analyzed
by Independent Samples t-test. The research results reveal that after the program: 1) The experimental
group perceived risks and perceived severity of cervical cancer(p<0.001), perceived bene ts (p<0.001),
perceived barriers of cervical cancer screening program(p<0.001), perceived the occasion risks higher
than before with statistical signi cance. 2)The experimental group and severity of cervical cancer,
perceived the bene ts of cervical cancer screening program(p<0.001)and perceived the obstacles
of cervical cancer screening program(p<0.05)higher than the control group with statistical signi cance.
3) The experimental group had the behaviors of cervical cancer screening higher than the control
group signi cantly (p<0.001). The research results conclude that cervical cancer screening promotion
program by using the health belief model and social support affected to the target women had
the increasing behaviors of cervical cancer screening. Thus, this program should be applied to enhance
the rates of cervical cancer screening in other areas


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How to Cite

รุจาคม ป., & ไตรทิพย์สมบัติ จ. (2017). The Effectiveness of Cervical Cancer Screening Program Using Health Belief Model and Social Support among Females aged 35 - 60 year in Dankhuntod District, NakhonRatchasima Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 23(2), 35–45. Retrieved from



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