Application of Health Belief Model with Social Support for health Behavior Modi cation to Stroke Prevention in Elderly Patients with Hypertension in Nongkatum Sub-District Health Promotion Hospital, Juntuk Sub-District, Pakchong District, NakhonRatchasima Province


  • ศุภสวัสดิ์ รุจิรวรรธน์ Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • จตุพร เหลืองอุบล Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • บัณฑิต วรรณประพันธ์ Department of Disease Control Nakhonratchasima


Stroke prevention, Hypertension in the elderly, Chronic diseases in the elderly, Health Belief Model, Social Support Concept


The study was a quasi-experimental research. The object of this study was the application
of a health belief model with social support for health behavior modification, with the concept
of changing behaviors for the prevention of stroke in elderly patients with hypertensive, they were
treating and under care of Nongkatum sub-district health promotion hospital, Juntuk sub-district,
Pakchong district, NakhonRatchasima province. The numbers of samples are 70 patients by random
method. It divided into two groups as the rst is comparison group and the second is experimental group
and each group is 35 patients. Then, the behavioral reformative program for stroke prevention was
applied to the groups over 12 weeks. Data was collected by interview method before and after
the program. The data was analyzed using computerized statistical analysis software for percentage,
mean, standard deviation, as well as compared using the paired sample t-test. The study revealed
that after the program, the experimental group had an average score on the knowledge about strokes,
the ef cacy in the prevention of strokes, the perceived bene ts and barriers to practice the prevention
of strokes and the practice prevention of strokes in elderly patients with hypertension is now better.
And better than the comparison group statistical signi cance (p-value <0.05). Base on the experiment
found that the elderly patients with hypertension had knowledge about strokes. Perceived self-ability,
and perceived the bene ts and obstacles which resulted in the better self-treatment for preventing stroke
in elderly hypertensive patients. Therefore, the application of the Health Belief Model and social
support concept to change behaviors for preventing stroke had the effects on the prevention of stroke
in the elderly hypertensive patients, and can be applied to the prevention of other chronic diseases.


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How to Cite

รุจิรวรรธน์ ศ., เหลืองอุบล จ., & วรรณประพันธ์ บ. (2017). Application of Health Belief Model with Social Support for health Behavior Modi cation to Stroke Prevention in Elderly Patients with Hypertension in Nongkatum Sub-District Health Promotion Hospital, Juntuk Sub-District, Pakchong District, NakhonRatchasima Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 23(2), 55–63. Retrieved from



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