Effects of Group process programs on Self-Care Behavioral and Accumulated Blood sugar level of Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Wiang Pa Pao Hospital, Chiangrai Province.


  • วัชรพงษ์ คำหล้า Wiang Pa Pao Hospital Chiangrai Province


The purpose of this experimental research was to study the effects of group process programs
on self-care behavior and accumulated blood sugar level (HbA1c) among diabetics patients. Using theory
of self care, behavioral modi cation and group process. Eighty patients of diabetes mellitus type 2 at diabetes
clinic, Wiang Pa Pao Hospital were were selected by simple random sampling and equally assigned
into 2 groups : 40 experimental and 40 control groups. The research instruments were participation
learning group is consisted of building knowledge, awareness of self care among diabetics patients :
eating behaviors, appropriately exercise, foot care and medication adherence. Data were collected
using self-care behavior questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaires in knowledge used

Kuder-Richardson[KR-21] was equal to 0.97 and self-care behavior used Cronbach’s Alpha was
equal to 0.71. Data were analyzed by using Descriptive statistic, Paired t-test and Independent t-test.
The results showed that after the experimental group had an average score of self-care behaviors
better overall than before the experiment and better than the control group. It was statistically
signi cant (p <0.001). And later found that the experimental group had an average score of eating
behavior, appropriately exercise, foot care and medication adherence are better than before the experiment.
It was statistically signi cant (p <0.001). The average level of accumulate blood sugar (HbA1c)
in the experimental group after the trial was lower than before and better than control group. It was
statistically signi cant (p <0.001). The results of this study indicated that the group process programs
can be used to promote self-control behavior for the others diabetic patients. We can be applicable
this program to patients with other chronic non-communicable diseases .


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How to Cite

คำหล้า ว. (2017). Effects of Group process programs on Self-Care Behavioral and Accumulated Blood sugar level of Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Wiang Pa Pao Hospital, Chiangrai Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 23(1), 5–17. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/189018