Factors Associated with Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Nakhornratchasima Province


  • ชาติชาย หุตะวัฒนะ Buayai hospital, Nakhornratchasima Province
  • พรนภา ศุกรเวทย์ศิริ Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University


This study is an unmatched case-control study aimed to investigate factors associated
with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) among Diabetes mellitus (DM) patients in Nakhornratchasima
province. The data were collected by the use of face-to-face interviews and case record form.
Data analysis was used to descriptive statistics of subject by using frequency, percentage, mean
and standard deviation. Univariate analysis was performed to identify the associated factors by use
chi-square tests and simple logistic regression was the calculation of crude odds ratio (OR).
Multiple logistic regression was performed to identify the associated factors by using multiple logistic

regression analysis to calculate the adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) with 95% confident intervals
(95% CI).
The results show that there were 144 new PTB case among DM patients. DM patients
with PTB were male (51.5%), the minimum and maximum age were 20 years and 92 years,
average age were 58.8 + 12.9 years. DM patients without PTB were Female (60.4%), the minimum
and maximum age were 28 years and 91 years, average age were 60.8 10.9 years. When confounding
variables (age and gender) were controlled in the multiple analysis, the statistically signi cant factors
associated with PTB among DM patients were: average income per month less than 5,000 bath
(ORadj=2.30; 95%CI=1.39-4.13), body mass index <18.5 kg./m2 (ORadj=0.33; 95%CI=0.16-0.67),
non exercise (ORadj=1.87; 95%CI=1.12-3.12), living in overcrowded housing/ town house/ commercial
buildings (ORadj=2.06; 95%CI=1.24-3.43), and hypertension patients (ORadj=0.16; 95%CI=
From the results of this study was suggested that DM patient should be screened for TB
every year, especially for those DM patient who low income, non exercise, and living in overcrowded
dwelling areas. DM patients must be more aware of PTB were a disease, opportunistic infection
in DM patient, and in addition with DM patient such as exercise.


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How to Cite

หุตะวัฒนะ ช., & ศุกรเวทย์ศิริ พ. (2019). Factors Associated with Pulmonary Tuberculosis among Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Nakhornratchasima Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 23(1), 31–40. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/189028