Factors associated with Opisthorchisviverrini Infection of People in Rattanaburi District, Surin Province, Thailand


  • วิไลพร สาศิริ Rattanaburi Hospital, Surin Province
  • พรนภา ศุกรเวทย์ศิริ Faculty of Public Health, KhonKaen University


Opisthorchisviverrini, Opisthorchaisis, behavior, risk group, re-infect


Opisthorchisviverrini (OV) infection is a serious public health problem in Thailand especially
in Northeast and North region, infection rates remain high because people are still eating raw f ish.
The prevalence of OV infection in Surin Province remains high in various parts of Province especially
Rattanaburi District where is located along the Mun River. This a unmatched case - control study
and the aim of this study was to identify factors associated with OV infection among people
in Rattanaburi District, Surin Province. The cases were the 102 participants who were found
to have a positive test result for OV infection by Kato’s thick smear technique during October 2014
to September 2015. Two controls were selected for each case, and 204 controls who were
negative results. The data were collected by structure questionnaires 306 participants (102 cases and
204 controls). The associations between case – control status and potential risk factors were analyzed
using multiple logistic regression and presented with adjusted odds ratio (ORadj), 95% of con dent
intervals (95% CI). Statistical analyses were performed using STATA version 10.0 and statistical
signi cance was set at p – value < 0.05 level.
In the Multivariate analysis, the results showed that the factors which had a statistically
signi cant association with OV infection were the past use of praziquantel (ORadj = 2.62, 95% CI: 1.51
to 4.58), eating raw fish dishes (Lap Pa) (ORadj = 2.14, 95% CI: 1.08 to 4.24) and water
resource habitat about 10 kilometers(ORadj = 1.81, 95% CI: 1.02 to 3.20)
This study showed that people lived near river about 10 kilometers who were highly risk
group. Therefore Public Health Organization should be intervened the health behavioral change
and health education campaign needs to be organized in areas adjacent to rivers, so they do not
change their behavior and repeatedly re-infect themselves.


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How to Cite

สาศิริ ว., & ศุกรเวทย์ศิริ พ. (2017). Factors associated with Opisthorchisviverrini Infection of People in Rattanaburi District, Surin Province, Thailand. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 23(1), 41–51. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/189041