Prevalence of Liver Fluke and Intestinal Worms Using Modi f ied Kato-Katz and Mini Parasep® SF in Risk Regional Health 9 in 2016


  • ธนเดช สัจจวัฒนา Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima
  • อินท์ฉัตร สุขเกษม Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima


Prevalence of liver f luke, Opisthorchis viverrini, intestinal worms, severity of infection, modi f ied Kato-Katz, Mini Parasep® SF


The study of the prevalence of liver f luke and intestinal worms using modi f ied Kato-Katz
and Mini Parasep® SF in risk Regional Health 9 in 2016. The aim of this study to compare the
prevalence between liver f luke and the other intestinal worms by 2 methods to analysis and determine
the severity of infection by liver f luke and the other intestinal worms in risk Regional Health 9,

Nakhon Chai Bu Rin. The study population of this study were peoples from Nakhon Ratchasima,
Buriram, Surin and Chaiyaphum province. The criteria of subjects were people age more than 15 years old.
The sample size of this study were 905 persons for each area, the total number of study subjects were
10,860 persons form multistage cluster sampling technique. And were used Modi f ied Kato-Katz
and Mini Parasep® SF method to examine. The results, overall prevalence of liver f luke infection
from Modi f ied Kato-Katz found 16.3% and Mini Parasep® SF found 6.4%. The prevalence of liver
f luke infection of Buriram province was high more than 10% from both methods. The overall results
of Nakhon Ratchasima and Surin province were lowest prevalence for both methods. For the severity
of liver f luke infection was highest in Nakhon Ratchasima province with average stool egg count was
307.9 eggs per gram. While the average stool eggs count in 2 local areas of Buriram province were
66.4 and 18.4 eggs per gram respectively. The Modi f ied Kato-Katz method could better to determine
the Echinostoma spp. egg, Hookworm egg, Taenia spp. egg and Trichuris trichiura egg. Mini Parasep® SF
method good for Strongyloides stercoralis ( f ilariform), minute intestinal f lukes (MIF) egg and Ascaris
lumbricoides (larva) detection. In conclusion, the prevalence of liver f luke at Buriram province was high
in overall and local area from both method and also found that the severity of parasites infection high
in 2 areas from 12 areas. This study show Buriram province the properly to study on the prevalence
and severity of liver f luke and other intestinal worms infection. Their suggestion was the primary care used
Modi f ied Kato-Katz to control, prevent and treat liver f luke infection but available areas can use Modi f ied
Kato-Katz and Mini Parasep® SF method.


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How to Cite

สัจจวัฒนา ธ., & สุขเกษม อ. (2017). Prevalence of Liver Fluke and Intestinal Worms Using Modi f ied Kato-Katz and Mini Parasep® SF in Risk Regional Health 9 in 2016. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 23(1), 64–75. Retrieved from