Risk behavior of Hypertension risk group : A Case study in Nong pling Tambol health promoting hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima


  • รัฏฐรินีย์ ธนเศรษฐ Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima


Risk behavior, Hypertension risk group


Risk behavior of Hypertension risk groups individuals. Signif i cant behavioral change to reduce
disease risk reduction. This research is a survey (Survey. Research) purpose to identify risk factors
and health behaviors were associated with the risk of hypertension. In high-risk disease, high blood
pressure, who have been screened and registered at the Health Promotion Hospital Tambon Nongpling.
During the month of October 2558 to February 2559 at the age of 35 years and a total of 1, 206 people
from the formula used to calculate the number of samples has 300 people by simple random sampling.
Data were collected using a questionnaire developed by the researcher and more. Validated the
accuracy of the content by health professionals. The disease, hypertension and behavioral health
IOC .86 and test the reliability of the interviews on issues related to blood pressure, high reliability.
78, and the conf i dence of the interview risky behavior. risk group had the con f i dence. 81 analyzed
using percentage, mean, standard deviation and statistics, t- test and F- test.
Results showed that the respondents were female, most (61.0 percent.) aged 35 - 45 years
(54.3 percent), 78.3 percent of them were married. Completion of primary education, most (53.0 percent)
professionals working farm / rice farming / gardening most (percentage. 37.7) and 48.3 percent Earning
less than 5,000 baht per month with a BMI in the normal majority (66.7 percent), 65.3 percent have
no health problems. Family members or siblings mostly without any diabetes (of 57.04), and no disease,
high blood pressure (of 51.84), perceived health literacy was 56.3 percent gain from volunteering.
Register for Public Health and Health Of f i cer Practice when illness is found to be 56.0 percent of health
center. And 70.7 percent did not use wisdom to promote health and prevent disease. The level of
knowledge about the disease, hypertension are moderate. The risk in overall risk behavior in all aspects
of risk. If the item discriminative behavior in the most vulnerable areas include Most have a habit
of adding sugar, f i sh sauce, soy sauce, MSG f lavor in cooking and in food in each meal before eating.
Eating fried And eating foods that are high in fat, high fat and high cholesterol and Lack of exercise
and physical activity at least three times each week for at least 30 minutes, often drinking alcohol when
having a party or festival. And sickness unconscious is more than 5 times / month and always drink
when feeling stressed. Smokers and live in the same area. Most often found on / Events that made a bad
mood / stress / anxiety / anger regularly and when you feel stressed and eat dessert. and the level
of education, occupation, income, and health education about the disease, hypertension are associated

with behavioral health risks. hypertension are signi f i cant statistically. The research should lead to develop
a model support self-management of risk. Based on risk-centric self-care (Patients self-care) evaluation
and recognition. the risk that self-management, and information on individual risk behaviors. Together
with the risk analysis to recognize risky behavior and its impact on their future. Including the problem
was recognized as a reduction in risk with the knowledge and awareness. The behavior modi cation
A culture of self-care to reduce the risk reduction of new cases and reduce the costs of care continue
to be enormous.


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How to Cite

ธนเศรษฐ ร. (2016). Risk behavior of Hypertension risk group : A Case study in Nong pling Tambol health promoting hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 22(3), 5–20. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/189082



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