The Development and Validation of a Questionnaire Measuring Patient Satisfaction with Services at The Chronic Non-communicable Diseases Clinics of Tumbon Health Promoting Hospital, Suwannaphom District, Roi-et Province


  • อุษณีย์ ชินศรี Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • จิราพร เขียวอยู่ Faculty of Public Health, KhonKaen University


The measurement of patient satisfaction can indicate the quality of health service which leads
to the improvement of health service system following proper aspect. From our literature review found
that lack of suitable instrument to measure patient satisfaction in chronic non-communicable diseases
clinic of sub-district health promoting hospital. There fore, the aims of this study are to develop

and validate a questionnaire to measure patient satisfaction with services at the chronic non-communicable
diseases clinic of sub-district health promoting hospital, Suwannaphom district, Roi-et province.
The process of de ning and generating items included a literature review, in-depth interview and focus
group discussions. Content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by 6 experts using the content
validity index (CVI). A clari f ication of questions was assessed by patients. Construct validity and an
internal consistency reliability of the questionnaire were examined with data of 466 patients by exploratory
factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha coef f icient respectively. The results were as follows. The questionnaire
comprised 35 items 5 dimensions. The CVI of each item ranged from 0.83 - 1.00 and the average
was 0.89. The 5 dimensions included the dimension of provider, location, facilitation, quality of service,
and service support. The Cronbach’s alpha coef f icient of them was 0.94, 0.88, 0.83, 0.84, and 0.71
respectively, and an overall was 0.84 In conclusion. This questionnaire provides good psychometric
properties in tern of content validity, construct validity (preliminary), internal consistency reliability
and can be employed to evaluate the satisfaction of patients who visit the chronic non-communicable
diseases clinic of sub-district health promoting hospital to development Quality of NCD Clinic.
Keywords: Questionnaire development, validity, reliability, patient satisfaction, chronic non-communicable
diseases, sub-district health promoting hospital


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How to Cite

ชินศรี อ., & เขียวอยู่ จ. (2016). The Development and Validation of a Questionnaire Measuring Patient Satisfaction with Services at The Chronic Non-communicable Diseases Clinics of Tumbon Health Promoting Hospital, Suwannaphom District, Roi-et Province. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 22(3), 45–56. Retrieved from



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