A Model for Environmental Education to Reduce the use of Chemical of Farmers Growing Lentinus olychrous Lev. Kalasin Province


  • สุวารีย์ ศรีปูณะ Valaya Aklongkorn Rajabhat university under the royal patronage Pathum Thani
  • สม นาสอ้าน Kalasin Province Health Offifif ice
  • จักราวุฒิ วงษ์ภักดี Yangtalat District Health Offifif ice Kalasin Province


Farmers Chemical Lentinus polychrous lev


This research aimed to created and developed a model for environmental education to reduce
the use of chemical of farmers growing lentinus polychrous lev in Kalasin Province. Using research and
development method. The population and sample were household or represented householders 15 years
purposive sampling who voluntarily participated. Research measures were questionnaires, interviews
and focus group. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and paired t-test.

As a result the process to reduce the use of chemicals of farmers growing lentinus polychrous
lev have two stages: 1. analysis of normal and common, 2. operating processes with the continued
cooperation of farmers growing lentinus polychrous lev locally continued: 1) awareness campaign,
2) workshop for substitutes and lentinus polychrous lev to secure, 3) study in lentinus polychrous lev
samples and operating, 4) as groups grow lentinus polychrous lev sustainability, 5) building
partnerships among community organizations of farmers growing lentinus polychrous. The comparison
of knowledge, attitude, behavior and enzyme cholinesterase in blood before and after using the
model 3 months, the difference was significant at .05 level. And random chemicals group organophosphate
and carbamate in lentinus polychrous lev. after using the model 3 months of 30 samples not found
pesticide residues in samples. The process is suitable for the area, it is important to contribute
to the development of the environment, to reduce the use of chemicals for farmers.


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How to Cite

ศรีปูณะ ส., นาสอ้าน ส., & วงษ์ภักดี จ. (2019). A Model for Environmental Education to Reduce the use of Chemical of Farmers Growing Lentinus olychrous Lev. Kalasin Province. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 22(2), 28–38. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/189529



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