An Effect of Competencies Development on Virus Zika Prevention and Control Among Village Health Volunteers of Community Medical Unit, Muang District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Competencies, Virus Zika, Village HealthAbstract
This quasi-experimental study aimed to compare the effect of competencies development program on the
knowledge, belief and practices toward the disease and its prevention and control. The program modified by theories
of health belief model and social support. It contained various activities such as providing health education and
exhibition about the disease, watching video, giving a leaflet, advices and encouragements and experience sharing.
A sample of 45 village health volunteers was allocated into both experimental and control groups. The experimental
group received the program and the control did not. Outcomes of the knowledge, beliefs and practices were collected
by a questionnaire. The study was conducted from May to July 2017. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test used to
describe the sample characteristics. Paired sample t-test and ANCOVA used for the comparing.
The results displayed that village health volunteers in the experimental group had significantly better the
knowledge, beliefs and practices on the disease prevention and control in after the program and better than those in the
control group This study shows the effective program on developing the competencies of village health volunteers for
the disease prevention and control.
: SAGE Publications International Education and Professional Publisher,1996.
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9. เอกสารประกอบการประชุมคณะกรรมการเขตสุขภาพที่ 9 ครั้งที่ 2/2560 วันที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2560
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บทความที่ลงพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการสำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 9 จังหวัดนครราชสีมา ถือว่าเป็น
ลิขสิทธิ์ สำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 9 จังหวัดนครราชสีมา