การประเมินผลด่านชุมชนเพื่อลดอุบัติเหตุการจราจรทางถนน เขตสุขภาพที่ 9 ช่วง 7 วันอันตรายเทศกาลสงกรานต์ ปี พ.ศ. 2561


  • สมร นุ่มผ่อง The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima
  • ขนิษฐา ศรีวันทา The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima
  • ภัทร สว่างดี The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima
  • พวงเพชร กฤษหมื่นไวย The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima


Community checkpoints, Road traffic accident, Songkran festival


Songkran festival, the rural areas have been occurring the highest road traffic accident by motorcycles. Drinking and
driving is the major cause of accidents. Community checkpoints were set up for extract drinkers outside from communities
to main roads. The evaluation purposes to compare inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes, and impacts of the operations.
The original community checkpoints which used the guideline from Department of Disease Control (preparing, setting,
and monitoring) and top down community checkpoints which not used those were compared. The evaluation research
were applied for the study. The community checkpoints were purposively selected 16 areas of health region 9th, and

data collection were done among 7-15 of service providers and 320 of service recipients. Qualitative and quantitative
data were approached, and sampling cases were purposively selected with inclusion criteria, and we also used t-test
for comparing the mean between 2 groups. The results found that personnel were sufficient for the original community
checkpoints, but there were insufficient for the top down community checkpoints. Budgets were not enough for 2 types,
and materials for the original community checkpoints had more readiness than the top down community checkpoints.
Processes, outputs, and outcomes between 2 types had similar; the data cloud not show trend of impact such as number
of the accidents. However, severity and the number of death cases were reduced after community checkpoint were set up.
Knowledge and practice were not difference among service recipients, but the mean score of attitude between 2 groups were
statistically significant differences (x = 47.7±4.3 VS 49.3±4.9) with the confidence interval of 95% (p-value = 0.002*)
In conclusion, benefit of the community checkpoints were similar, but qualitative approached found that participation of
communities, readiness, and volunteer of the original community checkpoints were more willingness than the top down
community checkpoints. They will continuously set up it by themselves. In contrast, the top down community checkpoints
will not be done if the commanders do not order. For recommendation, we should develop them to become as the original
community checkpoints.


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How to Cite

นุ่มผ่อง ส., ศรีวันทา ข., สว่างดี ภ., & กฤษหมื่นไวย พ. (2019). การประเมินผลด่านชุมชนเพื่อลดอุบัติเหตุการจราจรทางถนน เขตสุขภาพที่ 9 ช่วง 7 วันอันตรายเทศกาลสงกรานต์ ปี พ.ศ. 2561. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 25(3), 76–86. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/212294



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