The Achievement of Driving for The Use of Local Ordinances of The Sub-District Administrative Organization According to The Public Health Act BE 2535 to Reduce The Source of Dengue Vectors


  • นภักสรณ์ บงจภร The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 1st Chiang Mai
  • วรรณภา สุวรรณเกิด The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 1st Chiang Mai
  • ทวีศักดิ์ ศรีวงค์พันธ์ The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 1st Chiang Mai


Dengue fever, Local ordinances, Public Health Act BE 2535, Reduce the source of dengue vectors


Dengue fever is transmitted by aedes mosquito. Recently, Local Administrative
Organizations have introduced a Public Health Act BE 2535, Chapter 5, Sources of Nuisance, To accelerate
The elimination of larvae breeding sites. The objective of this study was to determine achievements
in introducing Local ordinances, To reduce Aedes breeding sites, Public perception and satisfaction.
This was a participatory action study in 4 voluntarily selected Sub-district Administration Organization
(SAO); Meetings were conducted to gather opinions on drafting the ordinance, Public hearing,
evaluation the Perception and Satisfaction of the people. Descriptive analysis was applied for
data analysis and larval index: House Index (HI) was also analyzed. Perception and satisfaction of
target groups were analyzed using an average, percentage, standard deviation and the Pearson correlation
coefficient. Results indicated that :Achievement of output,There are 4 Local ordinances from 4 SAOs.
With 90-100 % agreed of the administrators, local committees and people. The evaluation on
perception and satisfaction was done among 467 found that, 90.6 % of the people understand about
the enforcement of local ordinances. This message included doing larval survey and
aedes breeding source elimination in their own household (79.4 %), perform regularly every 7 days (42.4%).
And 56.3 (x = 1.53 SD = 0.556) agreed with the use of Local ordinances in all issues. Before using local
ordinances, most surveyed or destroyed mosquito larvae in their homes sometimes (44.8 %), compare with,
after the promulgation of the ordinance, there was a survey and destruction of the site 1-2 times per week
(72.8%). Achievement of outcome indicated 95.1% with no aedes larvae found in the target villages,
House Index (HI) =4.93 which is lower than the regular survey that made by Communicable Disease
Control Unit (CDCU) of HI = 6.90. And found that, Association between people who have known of the
announcement of the Local ordinance and conducting larval survey showed a positive correlation of 0.05
(r = 0.96 p <0.000). They have changed their behavior by conducting more regular larval survey and larval
source reduction leading to decrease in HI. Conclusions and suggestions:The issuance of local ordinances
has an effect on reducing the breeding area of mosquitoes, With the HI value decreasing compared to before
The provisions. the importance of success is promoting an understanding of issuing a Local ordinance and
promoting awareness of Head administrative, community leaders and villagers. This will therefore stimulate
Local authorities to Consider issuing Local ordinances, as well as establishing a strategy for continuing Local
ordinances into action and doing more implementation for sustainability.


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How to Cite

บงจภร น., สุวรรณเกิด ว., & ศรีวงค์พันธ์ ท. (2020). The Achievement of Driving for The Use of Local Ordinances of The Sub-District Administrative Organization According to The Public Health Act BE 2535 to Reduce The Source of Dengue Vectors. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 26(1), 25–35. retrieved from