Relationship between Age Groups and Self-Care Behaviors of Suspected Rabies Exposed in Northern of Thailand


  • นภักสรณ์ บงจภร The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 1st Chiang Mai
  • นารถลดา ขันธิกุล The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 1st Chiang Mai
  • สุรเชษฐ์ อรุโณทอง The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 1st Chiang Mai


Self-care behavior, Rabies, Contact, Northern, Thailand, Northern, Thailand


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age groups and self-care behaviors of
suspected rabies exposed persons in 8 Northern Provinces. The data information was collected by using the secondary
data from the rabies contact database reporting system (Report.36) Online of the Department of Disease Control in
the year 2017. The statistical analyses processed characteristics of variables, relationships and comparisons between
variables using percentages, means, S.D., and χ2 tests. Results of the study found, there were 28,663persons exposed to suspected rabies, the majority was female (52.61%), aged more than 25 years old
(66.18%), the average aged 38 years (S.D. = 24.0). Most of them were Thai (97.25%). The occupations
were students, housewives, and priests (36.07%), followed by agriculture (28.61%). The suspected animals
were dogs 73.30. The wounds caused by biting were 45.07% and torn with bleeding 93.77%. The results
of Report.36 found a similar contact rate every month. Most of the respondents had a history of not having
vaccinated or were vaccinated less than 3 doses 89.77%received complete 4-5 doses with a booster dose
44.21%, and did not received RIG injection 80.59%. It was found that the age group had a relationship
with the behavior of an intentional cause such as teasing the animals (violate witchcraft 5 y.) Behaviors of
non-washing the wound and behavior of non-disinfectant uses, had statistical significant different at the
level of 0.05. However, age groups did not correlate with the other behavior which composed of choosing
water/soap/ detergents /an alcoholic iodine solution to disinfect the wounds before going to the hospital.
Therfore, Health education and promotion should be focused on communicating risk about witchcraft 5 to
avoid dog bites especially in children aged under 10 years. A programs to educate the public, teachers, parents
about self-care and children in the administration to be cleansed and treated the wound with disinfectant
after contact before going to the hospital. The complete course of vaccination is needed for every case. To
provide effective rabies prevention and to decrease the risk of death from rabies.


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How to Cite

บงจภร น., ขันธิกุล น., & อรุโณทอง ส. (2020). Relationship between Age Groups and Self-Care Behaviors of Suspected Rabies Exposed in Northern of Thailand. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 26(1), 36–46. Retrieved from