Things to Know About Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes belongs in the group of metabolic disorders characterized by high blood glucose levels. Each
type of diabetes is different. It stems from the complicated interaction of heredity and environmental factors
which depends on the cause. The factors supporting high blood glucose are the reduction of insulin release
from pancreas and the reduction of glucose usage while the receiving of glucose increases. Metabolism will
explain the details of physiology of the changed organs which is the reason for diabetes. It results in the great
burden of patients with diabetes and the service system. Diabetes leads to the final stage of renal failure, loss
of legs, and blindness in the USA. Diabetes is a reason for Coronary Artery Disease. Moreover, it becomes
the cause of death and disability which occurs more often around the world. Diabetes is the disease of abnormality
of cells in the transformation of glucose to energy in blood. When glucose has not been utilized,
the blood glucose level rises more than usual. Presently, the condition of using glucose >126mg/dl is it becomes the value of blood glucose after fasting for 8 hours. If accidentally consuming foods but still want
to be diagnosed without starting over tomorrow, you can have the blood check by using the criteria of 200
mg/dl and examining hbA1C which the criterionis more recent, accurate, and popular to indicate who has
diabetes without omitting the breakfast. The sugar from food will become energy and this sugar is glucose.
Carbohydrate type, protein type, fat type, fruit or vegetables will be digested to the smallest unit which is
glucose in the end and glucose will enter glycolysis entering the cells then releasing ATP energy. In this
process, it requires insulin. If the body deprives of insulin or the insulin decreases, it will incline to diabetes.
ระวังป่วยโรคเบาหวานเผยไทยพบผู้ป่วยเบาหวานเกือบ 5 ล้านราย สำนักโรคไม่ติดต่อ / สำนักสื่อสาร
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