Health Literacy of personnel in prevention and control of non-communicable diseases of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9 Nakhon Ratchasima


  • จันทกานต์ วลัยเสถียร สำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 9 นครราชสีมา
  • Meyuree Prasong Prasong The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9, Nakhon Ratchasima
  • Malai Nakprakob The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9, Nakhon Ratchasima


Health literacy, Prevention and Control, Non-communicable disease


From the health examination results of the personnel of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9 Nakhon Ratchasima from 2016-2018, it was found that the risk of developing NCDs increased. Especially obesity Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a health literacy survey of personnel, Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9, Nakhon Ratchasima, to study the level of health literacy of NCDs. And health behaviors 3Aor 2Sor. (Food, mood, exercise, smoking and drinking alcohol)
Research method, model of survey research Sample group The total number of 249 personnel was conducted during the study from November 2019 to August 2020. The questionnaire consisted of 3 parts, consisting of general information, health literacy, 6 components: Access to health service information Health communication Media literacy Self management and decisions and health behavior according to 3Aor  2Sor. Principles and analyzed the data with descriptive statistics. With frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation
The research results were mostly female 59%, mean age 45 years (SD = 11.05), mean weight 65.6 kg (SD = 12.3), BMI was at normal level (between 18.5-22.9) 40.2% obese level 1 (between 23.0-24.9) 33.3% and obesity level 2 (between 25.0-29.90) 24.5% The level of health literacy according to the principle of 3Aor  2Sor found that most were in good level 39.0% ( = 74.1, SD = 13.09) when considering cognitive health. Was at a very good level, 74.7% ( = 10.9, SD = 2.14), but communication for enhancing health proficiency according to 3Aor 2Sor. was poor at 42.2% ( = 11.47, SD = 3.41) and health behaviors according to the principle of 3Aor 2Sor were found to be moderately suitable behavior 50.9%, with inappropriate behaviors including exercise 30 minutes per day, 34%, eating sweet, salty food, 49%. Drinking 2 or more alcoholic beverages per day 43.0%
Summary of recommendations, The knowledge of the personnel is at a good level. But the health behavior is just moderately appropriate. And 58% of obesity, therefore, information on the situation and knowledge of health of personnel should be used to plan the operation to enhance health literacy. And drive concrete action Personnel should modify their health behavior, diet, exercise regularly. Control the consumption of food, flour, sugar, fat and in the part of the agency. There should be a clear policy for promoting health of personnel and agencies and communicating Campaign for personnel to know and act accordingly. Correctly, suitable for their own context, the next agency


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How to Cite

วลัยเสถียร จ., Prasong , M. P. ., & Nakprakob, M. . (2021). Health Literacy of personnel in prevention and control of non-communicable diseases of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9 Nakhon Ratchasima . The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 27(1), 46–55. Retrieved from