Action research for promoting health among hypertension patients by using chronic care model (CDM) at Kham Sakeaseang hospital


  • Nithikun Kyoyu โรงพยาบาลขามสะแกแสง อำเภอขามสะแกแสง จังหวัดนครราชสีมา


Health promotion on hypertension patients, Chronic Care Model (CDM), Quality management Deming Cycle: PDCA


Action research for promoting health among hypertension patients by using the chronic care model (CDM) at Kham Sakaesaeng hospital. In order to use the research results and the success factors in providing chronic care services health promotion for patients with hypertension in Kham Sakaesaeng hospital. The sampling group was selected by 190 people, are chronic disease clinic staff 7 people and 183 hypertension patients. The research instrument was the interview. Data were collected before and after the research. Follow the health promotion procedures for patients with hypertension and using the chronic care knowledge manual. Analyze quantitative data using descriptive statistics. Distribution, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis by a descriptive description. The result of the research that after the provision of health promotion services by the chronic care model (CDM). The statistically increasing average score of significant P-value 0.05. 1)Kham Sakaesaeng hospital chronic care model (CDM). Consisted of (1) Conducting a research meeting (P: Plan) with a sample of non-communicable disease clinic staff members of Kham Sakaesaeng hospital (2)Health promotion (D: Do) is carried out through the chronic disease care knowledge manual follow chronic care steps (3) There are an inspection and review of problems and obstacles in the operation (C: Check) and (4) Continuous improvement and development of the draft plan: A: Action according to chronic disease care procedures 2) There are success factors in caring for chronic care model (CDM), including (1) self-management support model (2) delivery system design model (3) Decision support model (4) Clinical information system model (5) Community resource linkages model and (6) The satisfaction of the chronic care model of Kham Sakaesaeng hospital the highest level. Suggestions from research chronic care model (CDM) 1) procedures should be used and implemented, with physicians, pharmacists, and multidisciplinary groups working as operational support groups, 2) District Health Office should be expanded the process to the results in sub-district health promotion hospital. There is health promotion for patients with hypertension and other chronic non-communicable patients, 3) Provincial Health Office should be a policy or a plan for the development of medical staff, nurses, and multidisciplinary staff to have knowledge, understanding, and health promotion for patients with hypertension and other chronic non-communicable patients. In accordance with the chronic care model (CDM), in order to be able to effectively manage chronic non-communicable diseases. Proposal for the next research should be researched on the effects of health promotion on other non-communicable diseases. By using the chronic care model (CDM) as a research guideline.


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How to Cite

Kyoyu, N. . (2020). Action research for promoting health among hypertension patients by using chronic care model (CDM) at Kham Sakeaseang hospital. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 26(3), 25–34. Retrieved from



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