Effectiveness the Project Tracking System, Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office


  • Pramuan Laosombutthawee Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office


System, Project


Creating a good project and getting approval to act quickly is important. The purpose of developing research was to develop a project tracking system of the Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office. The research subjects consisted of 32 persons responsible for the project in the general hospital, community hospital, and district public health offices. System development life cycle (SDLC) to develop project tracking included 6 steps 1) Planning 2) Analysis 3) Design 4) Construction testing and publishing 5) Implementation 6) Maintenance and innovation. Then the satisfaction of the user was assessed. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The result revealed that the participants consisted of males and females each 50%, age 46-55 years (46.70%), bachelor’s degree education (53.30%), public health officer (70%), and working in community hospitals (56.76%). The overall of satisfaction was the most satisfaction (  = 4.22, S.D.= 0.54), the efficiency and benefit were the most satisfaction ( = 4.31, S.D.= 0.51). The item that had the highest score was helping to faster work ( = 4.50, S.D.= 0.68) and reduce paper ( = 4.40, S.D.= 0.72). About 60% of the participants using the telephone for following the project before the implementation of the project tracking system. Paper use was reduced from 16 sheets to 8 sheets/project, and reduce the time from 36 days to 29 days/project after the project tracking system was conducted. The study recommends that the project tracking system should be applied for other work in the organization to


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How to Cite

Laosombutthawee, P. . (2020). Effectiveness the Project Tracking System, Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office . The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 26(3), 35–43. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/246224



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