The Development of Health Behavior Change Model for a Risk of Hypertension Group in a manufacturer
Hypertension, Health behaviors, Self-management, social supportAbstract
World Health Organization reported that hypertension was found in approximately 1.13 billion people worldwide. Uncontrolled hypertension increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and causes premature death. However, it can be prevented and controlled by self-management support. The aim of the study was to develop a health behavior change model for controlling blood pressure among workers who had risk hypertension (blood pressure; systolic = 120–139 / diastolic = 80–89 mmHg) in a manufacturer. The action research was conducted from October 2018 to September 2020 at a factory in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Forty-six workers with a risk of hypertension were enrolled in this study. Plan, action, observation, and reflection (PAOR) were used to develop a health behavior change model. Also, self-management and social support were implemented, those influenced the knowledge, health behaviors, and motivation for controlling blood pressure. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation were used to analyze the data, and also, a paired-samples t-test was performed. The study found that more than half (58.70%) of the participants were female with age range 41–45 years (28.26%), married (58.70%), and 45.65% had a bachelor’s degree. In addition, the study indicated that blood pressure was reduced among 25 of 46 (54.35%) participants. Mean scores of the knowledge, practice, motivation, and behavior for controlling blood pressure were significantly higher than before receiving the intervention (P< 0.001). In conclusion, using the “health behavior change model” for risk group of hypertensions by applying 4 steps of PAOR Cycle consists of (1) plan (2) action (3) observation and (4) reflection and also added on self-management support and social support could be reduced blood pressure. We recommended that implemented the health behavior change model in other chronic diseases in the manufacturers.
World Health Organization. Hypertension [online]. 2019 [Access date 2019 May 17]. Available from:
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