Capacity Development of Non-communicable Chronic Diseases Patients with Smoking Addiction for Smoking Reduction, Dankwian Sub-district, Chokchai District, Nakhon Rachasima Province


  • Piyarat Lao-ut มหาวิทลัยราชภัฏนครราชสีมา
  • Bhuddhipong Satayavongthip Faculty of Public Health, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University


chronic non-communicable disease patients, smoking, capacity development


The objectives of this action research were; (1) To study the community context and basic information about smoking behavior of non-communicable chronic diseases patients with tobacco addiction to develop the capacity of non-communicable chronic disease patients with tobacco addiction for smoking reduction, and (2) To study the capacity development outcome of non-communicable disease patients. Kemmis and McTaggart’s action research concept (1998) and Roger’s protection motivation theory (1983) were used. About 32 participants who have been had a chronic non-communicable disease and receiving services in health promotion hospitals Dankwian sub-district were conducted from August to November 2019. The data were collected by using questionnaires, test forms, recorded forms, interviewed guidelines, and observational forms. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test. The result of the study showed that after the development process, the participants had the mean score of knowledge about cigarettes, perceptions of the severity of the disease caused by smoking, awareness of the risks of smoking-related diseases, expectations of their ability to reduce smoking, expectations for the outcome of smoking reduction and smoking behavior higher than before development (p <.01). After development, all participants were able to reduce the number of smoked cigarettes per day that was statistically significantly lower than before development (p <.01) Therefore, responsible persons should be placed on integrating activities in the service system and promoting continuously.


World Health Organization: WHO. (2018). World No Tobacco Day 2017: Tobacco threatens us all. Retrieved March 25 2018, form

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How to Cite

Lao-ut , P. ., & Satayavongthip, B. . (2022). Capacity Development of Non-communicable Chronic Diseases Patients with Smoking Addiction for Smoking Reduction, Dankwian Sub-district, Chokchai District, Nakhon Rachasima Province . The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 28(1), 50–61. Retrieved from