Factors Associating with the Prevention Road Traffic Accident among Performance of District Officer, the 9th Health Region, 2019.
Management factors, Success in lifeAbstract
This research was conducted for the purpose of to study the management factors and individual factors which related to their successes in lives associating the performance of road traffic accident prevention among district officers, the 9th health region. The sample for this study was 80 participants in total; from district health offices and hospitals who had registered through district road traffic injury (D-RTI) system. The data was collected by questionnaire. Then, the data was analyzed as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, the maximum score and the minimum score, Chi-Square, and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The results revealed that most participants were female, accounted for 63.75%. The age showed between 36 and 60 years old and the average age was 40.81 year-old (S.D. = 10.75). 57.50% of participants got married, 76.25%hold the bachelor degree and 83.25% recorded as the government officer which 66.25% of all occupations reported nurse. According to their experience, 66.25% of all participants was professional level and 66.25% worked as a supervisor. The data showed that their income was between 10,000 and 20,000 Thai currency (Baht), the average was 27,002.03 baht (S.D. = 15,767.93). The majority of the participants had working experience more than 5 years, the average was 6.48 years (S.D. = 5.92). Overall, the successful factor was at moderate level with the average of 3.66 (S.D. = 0.50) as well as the management one that witnessed at moderate level with the average of 3.57 (S.D. = 0.53). The prevention of road traffic accident performance among district officers was at high level with the average of 3.72 (S.D. = 0.57). The relation between job position and the prevention of road traffic accident performance of district officers showed statistical significance (P-value < .001). The management factor had positive relation in very low level with the individuals’ ability to prevent road traffic accident, statistical significance at P-value < .001 and r = 0.456. Apart from these factors, there was not significant relevant factors related to the prevention of road traffic accident performance among district officers.
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