Factors Affecting Burnout Syndrome of Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Assistants in Surin Province During COVID-19 Crisis


  • Theerawut Thammakun School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Yuranee Kiattikunrat School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Burnout syndrome, Perceived workload, Pharmacists, Pharmaceutical Assistants


This cross-sectional research aimed to study: (1) personal factors and perceived workload; (2) burnout syndrome levels; and (3) factors affecting burnout syndrome of pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants in Surin province during the COVID-19 crisis. The sample consisted of 105 pharmacists and 27 pharmacist assistants under the Surin Provincial Public Health Office, totaling 132 people randomly selected out of all 289 such officials. The sample size was calculated using the G*Power program. Data were collected using a questionnaire, between August 1 to August 15, 2021; and then analyzed to determine frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, and multiple linear regression. The results showed that, among study participants: (1) most of them were single female aged 30-40 years, had graduated with a bachelor's degree, worked as professional pharmacist in outpatient pharmacy services at community hospitals, and had 5-10 years of work experience with a high level of perceived workload; (2) they had high levels of burnout regarding emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and a low level of reduced personal achievements; and (3) the factors affecting their burnout syndrome during the COVID-19 crisis were perceived workload, age, and workplace, all of which could explain 28.10% of the conditions according to a multiple regression analysis.


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How to Cite

Thammakun, T., & Kiattikunrat, Y. . . . . (2022). Factors Affecting Burnout Syndrome of Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Assistants in Surin Province During COVID-19 Crisis. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 28(3), 25–34. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/257240



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