Effects of Learning Program Management on Opisthorchiasis and Cholangiocarcinoma according to Promotion, Prevention and Control of Opisthorchiasis in Primary Schools, Health Region 7


  • Chutima Wachrakul Office of Disease Prevention and Control 7th Khon Kaen
  • Kangsadal Suwannarong Office of Disease Prevention and Control 7th Khon Kaen
  • Rattanaporn Yossri Office of Disease Prevention and Control 7th Khon Kaen
  • Sumalee Chantaluk Office of Disease Prevention and Control 7th Khon Kaen


Opisthorchiasis, Liver fluke, Cholangiocarcinoma, Learning management, Effect


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of learning program management on opisthorchiasis and cholangiocarcinoma according to promotion, prevention and control of opisthorchiasis in primary schools. The context Input Process Product (CIPP) model was applied to evaluate the learning program. Participants were 76 teachers who used learning program for teaching and 405 students who attended that class in primary school in health region 7. The results of the study showed as follows; context, there was a clear policy and such policy was implemented by practitioners, however, outcomes in each step along the process were not clearly identified. Regarding input: schools received a curriculum from the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 7, Khon Kaen,and a budget from Khon Kaen province to develop teachers’ potential in this regard. Furthermore, some areas received additional support from local government organizations. However, the budget to expand teaching management tended to decrease every year. Regarding the process, it was found that those responsible for the provincial and district level for operational goals were recognized, but not at a local level, found that some places still do not know and affects the coordination of operations and monitoring between educational institutes staff and the public health staff in the local area. According to outcomes: there was found 65 percent of teachers who received the training scored 80 percent or above from the test and were satisfied with the training at the highest level in all aspects. About 97.4 percent of schools applied their knowledge from the training in health education instructions. Among students, more than haft (52.8%) had score lower than 60 percent while only 8.9 percent scored 80 percent or higher after the training.


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How to Cite

Wachrakul, C. ., Suwannarong, K. ., Yossri, R. ., & Chantaluk, S. . (2023). Effects of Learning Program Management on Opisthorchiasis and Cholangiocarcinoma according to Promotion, Prevention and Control of Opisthorchiasis in Primary Schools, Health Region 7. The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 29(1), 80–94. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ODPC9/article/view/258233