The management model development of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in workplace by disease-control public health volunteers


  • Nipat Poonsawat Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention
  • Kaewjai Mathong Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention
  • Nitirat Poonsawat Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention
  • Tharnthip Luengtreechai Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention
  • Tanya Rodsook Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention


Model development, COVID-19 management, Workplace, Disease-control public health volunteers


The re-occurrence of abrupt and severe COVID-19 transmission in Thailand since April 2021 has forced all related organizations to find effective interventions to speedy control the transmission. This action research aimed to build the capacity of disease-control public health volunteers in terms of knowledge and skill in surveillance as well as disease prevention and control, support the accessibility of community to COVID-19 screening and treatment services and mobilize the participation of all sectors. The study was conducted in workplaces it includes factories, workplaces, construction camps, markets, educational institutions, schools, universities, barracks, and homes for vulnerable groups in Bangkok Metropolitan between September 2021 and June 2022 in 109 workplaces by firstly 1) Plan, there are meeting to discuss, define guidelines and plan to prepare training courses; 2) Act, building the capacity of disease-control public health volunteers of respective workplaces regarding knowledge and skills in surveillance as well as COVID 19 prevention and control. The roles of disease-control public health volunteers were to screen employees using ATK, quarantine high-risk contacts and report infected cases related data to health officers to investigate and control the disease and to coordinate with health officers or involved personnel regarding the appropriate and in-time transfer of cases. 3) Evaluate, there are visits, empowerment, monitoring, and evaluation in the workplace. 4) Reflect, information is returned. Reflection on the performance of the improvement of the COVID-19 management model in the workplace was performed contributing to the reduction of disease transmission in general. This practice could be regarded as the establishment of cooperation in surveillance as well as disease prevention and control among all sectors namely government, private, civil society, and public sectors. Therefore, there should be empowerment and cooperation with relevant authorities to expand the effect to be comprehensive and effective. As well as developing database and surveillance systems that can be used for operations and decision-making promptly.



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How to Cite

Poonsawat, N. ., Mathong, K. ., Poonsawat, N. ., Luengtreechai, T. ., & Rodsook, T. . (2023). The management model development of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in workplace by disease-control public health volunteers. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 29(1), 54–66. retrieved from