Factors Associated with the Stress of the Elderly in Huai Kapi Subdistrict, Muang District, Chonburi Province
Elderly, Stress, Factors associated with the stressAbstract
This cross-sectional research aimed to investigate factors related to stress among the elderly in Huay Ka Pi Subdistrict, Mueang Chonburi District, Chonburi Province. The sample group comprised individuals aged 60 and above, totaling 351 participants. Data were collected through a questionnaire consisting of three parts: 1) Personal information, 2) Questionnaire on factors related to the stress of the elderly, including health, economic, and social factors, and 3) Stress test questionnaire 5 item (ST-5). Data analysis was conducted using Pearson's correlation coefficient and the Chi-square test. The resulted found that personal factors, including age (=21.914, p=0.002, Cramer’s V=0.177), marital status (
=23.285, p=0.002, Cramer’s V=0.177), education level (
=16.688, p=0.054 , Cramer’s V=0.126), income (
=22.107, p=0.009, Cramer’s V=0.145), income sufficiency (
=9.750, p=0.021, Cramer’s V=0.167), and underlying diseases (
= 8.535, p=0.036, Cramer’s V=0.156), were significantly correlated with stress among the elderly. Meanwhile, gender showed no significant relationship with stress. These results demonstrated that mental health factors (r=0.683, p<0.001), financial status (r=0.527, p<0.001), and family relationship factors (r=0.562, p<0.001) are positively correlated with moderate-level stress among the elderly. Additionally, physical health factors (r=0.461, p<0.001) and social and community environmental factors (r=0.222, p<0.001) are positively correlated with low-level and very low-level stress among the elderly, respectively.
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