Performance of Government Service Assessment According to Enhancement Measures for Efficiency of Government Service in Ministry of Public Health and Affiliated Agencies


  • Phatchadaporn Kunkeaw Public Sector Development Group, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health


Government service assessment, Performance Improvement Measures


This research employed a mixed-methods study, applying Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model as the assessment guidance. The objectives were to evaluate government service performance in accordance with enhancement measures for efficiency and to examine factors contributing to success, obstacles, and recommendations for improvement within the Ministry of Public Health and its affiliated agencies. The sample group for the quantitative research consisted of 108 personnel responsible for implementing and evaluating government service performance under the specified measures. The sample group for the qualitative research consisted of 18 members of committees overseeing the assessment process. Data was collected between June and August 2023 through questionnaires and interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The results revealed the perception of government service assessment performance, based on the enhancement measures for efficiency within the Ministry of Public Health and its affiliated agencies, as assessed by the CIPP model. Context and output evaluations received the highest scores (equation= 4.43, 4.40; S.D. = 0.55, 0.53, respectively), followed by input and process evaluations which also garnered high scores (equation =4.05, 4.18; S.D. = 0.59, 0.55, respectively). To achieve success, executives must recognize the importance of assessing government services as part of the efficiency enhancement measures implemented by the Ministry of Public Health and its affiliated agencies. The organization or public sector should provide adequate resources, including human resources, budget allocations, and information and communication technology systems. Additionally, personnel should possess the necessary knowledge, understanding, and capability to engage in all processes from inception to completion. However, several challenges exist. Executives and staff lack awareness of the significance of assessing government services within the efficiency enhancement framework. Moreover, there are insufficient personnel dedicated to this task, which leads to workload issues. This shortage results in decreased morale, motivation, and productivity. Additionally, shortcomings in the efficiency of information and communication technology systems, as well as in monitoring and evaluation processes, contribute to suboptimal outcomes. These findings suggest the need for executives and relevant personnel to raise awareness, prioritize, and support government service assessment activities that align with efficiency enhancement measures. This involves addressing various aspects, including policy, budgeting, human resources, information and communication technology systems, knowledge dissemination, empowerment, and motivation. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that appropriate monitoring, tracking, and evaluation mechanisms are in place to facilitate continuous improvement.


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How to Cite

Kunkeaw, P. (2024). Performance of Government Service Assessment According to Enhancement Measures for Efficiency of Government Service in Ministry of Public Health and Affiliated Agencies. The office of disease prevention and control 9th Nakhon Ratchasima Journal, 30(3), 65–80. retrieved from