Prevalence, Risks, and Health Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence during Pregnancy among Young Women: A Systematic Review


  • Tipparat Udmuangpia PhD student at Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri, America
  • Mansoo Yu
  • Kathryn Laughon
  • Thoranit Saywat
  • Tina Lee Bloom


Prevalence, Risk, Consequence, Intimate partner violence, Low- and middle-income countries, Pregnancy, Systematic review, Unintended pregnancy


             Intimate partner violence during pregnancy among young women is globally prevalent, but there is limited information on descriptions of this vulnerable population in low-andmiddle-income countries. A comprehensive search for primary research studies was conducted using PubMed, Medline (OVID), and CINAHL. Inclusion criteria consisted of research conducted in low-andmiddle-income countries, addressing intimate partner violence and pregnancy, at least 50% of participants under age 25 years, published in English, between 2009 to 2018. The aim of this systematic review was to describe what is known about the prevalence, risk factors, and health consequences associated with IPV among young pregnant women in these countries. 

              Results of the 12 articles that met the inclusion criteria showed that intimate partner violence during pregnancy in young women is prevalent in these countries.Across studies the range of prevalence was reported for physical violence (5%-52.8%), exual violence (2.8%-21%), and psychological violence (17%-67.4%). Negative health consequences to maternal and child health included postpartum depression, low birth weight and unwanted pregnancy. Risk factors associated with higher risk of intimate partner violence during pregnancy included having a husband/partner with a low education level, alow level of family income, and problem drinking among their partners.Protective factors included sex education for girls, youth services,and reducing gender inequality.Most risk factors identified were influenced by culture and were unique to low-andmiddle-income countries. Without promoting gender equality, the problem of intimate partner violence in this population is likely to continue,and more culturally tailored intervention research addressing this among this population in low-andmiddle- income countries is needed.


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How to Cite

Udmuangpia T, Yu M, Laughon K, Saywat T, Bloom TL. Prevalence, Risks, and Health Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence during Pregnancy among Young Women: A Systematic Review. PRIJNR [internet]. 2020 Jul. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];24(3):412-29. available from:



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