The Lived Experience of Filipino Nurses’ Work in COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study


  • Jonaid M. Sadang RN, RM, LPT, MAN, h.c., Assistant Professor, College of Health Sciences, Mindanao State University, Philippines.


COVID-19, Community, Nurses’ work, Phenomenology, Quarantine, The Philippines


               The COVID-19 pandemic crisis resulted in an abrupt paradigm shift of nurses’ life in healthcare systems, leading to stressful and overwhelming challenges in their daily battle against this illness. This descriptive phenomenological inquiry explored the meaning of Filipino nurses’ work on the frontlines of community quarantine facilities amidst this pandemic health crisis. Using purposive and snowball sampling, and in-depth interviewing a total of 12 nurses were participants in this study that sought to deeply understand and explain their lived experience while working in their respective facilities.

                  Three major themes emerged from the data analysis of the transcribed verbatim responses using Colaizzi’s approach: Work as self-sacrifice with 3 sub-themes, Work as self-fulfilment with 2 sub-themes, and Work as a psychological struggle with 2 sub-themes. The nurses demonstrated outstanding professional efforts and sacrifices in battling this crisis to overcome difficulties amidst insufficient or unavailable needed resources. Hence, comprehensive support must be provided to safeguard their well-being so they can continue their noble service in combating and eliminating this illness in our respective communities.


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How to Cite

Sadang JM. The Lived Experience of Filipino Nurses’ Work in COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study. PRIJNR [internet]. 2020 Dec. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 24];25(1):154-6. available from:



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