Effectiveness of a Home-Based Coping Enhancement Program for Stroke Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Adherence, Home-based care, Coping, Psychological well-being, Rehabilitation, Stroke survivorsAbstract
Stoke is serious and causes disability and dependence, resulting in survivor stress and lack of motivation for self-rehabilitation. Assisting survivors to maintain psychological well-being and adhere to rehabilitation is essential. This randomized control trial investigated the effectiveness of a home-based coping enhancement program on psychological well-being and adherence to rehabilitation in stroke survivors in northern Thailand. The program is based on the Stress Process Model. Sixty-two stroke survivors were randomly assigned to either an experimental (n = 30) or control group (n = 32). The experimental group received the Home-based Coping Enhancement Program in addition to usual care, while the control group received only usual care. Data were collected using the Psychological Well-Being Scale and the Adherence to Rehabilitation Scale, and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and two-way repeated measures ANOVA.
Results indicated that the psychological well-being and adherence to rehabilitation mean scores of the experimental group significantly increased at weeks 6 and 12 after intervention completion. In addition, mean psychological well-being scores in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group at weeks 6 and 12, but not significantly different between groups in the mean adherence to rehabilitation scores. The results revealed that the program could improve psychological well-being among stroke survivors. Further testing of the program is needed before it is incorporated into practice.
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