Effectiveness of Interactive Learning via Multimedia Technology with Family Support Program among Pregnant Women with Anemia: A Quasi-Experimental Study


  • Soifah Pinsuwan RN, Master’s degree student, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand.
  • Warangkana Chatchawet RN, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand.
  • Sopen Chunuan RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand.


Anemia, Family support, Hematocrit values, Interactive learning, Pregnancy, Self-care behaviors


           Anemia is a common health problem during pregnancy and has a major impact on pregnant women, their babies, and the economy. Thus, interventions to alleviate anemia are necessary. This quasi-experimental study aimed to determine the effects of interactive learning via multimedia technology with a family support program involving self-care behaviors and hematocrit values among pregnant women with anemia. Participants were 50 pregnant women who attended the antenatal unit at a regional hospital in Southern Thailand and met inclusion criteria. The experimental group (n = 25) received interactive learning via multimedia technology with a family support program for four weeks in addition to routine care, while the control group (n = 25) received only routine care. The research instruments to collect the data were the Demographic Characteristics and Obstetrical Questionnaire and the Self-care Behavior Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, independent t-test, paired t-test, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, and Mann-Whitney U test.
          The results showed that after completion of the intervention program, the participants in the experimental group had a significantly higher mean score on self-care behaviors and hematocrit values than before the intervention. When comparing the two groups after completion of the program, only the mean score on self-care behaviors in the experimental group was significantly higher than those of the control group, whereas the hematocrit values were not significantly different between the two groups. The results of this study suggest that interactive learning via multimedia technology with a family support program can help pregnant women with anemia improve their self-care behaviors. However, the program should be tested with different groups of pregnant women with anemia before it is widely used in practice.


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How to Cite

Pinsuwan S, Chatchawet W, Chunuan S. Effectiveness of Interactive Learning via Multimedia Technology with Family Support Program among Pregnant Women with Anemia: A Quasi-Experimental Study. PRIJNR [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 12 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];26(4):600-12. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/PRIJNR/article/view/259265